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Hanging Out with Whitney

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Hanging Out with Whitney

Whitney is making her Cygnet Theatre debut with The Motherf**ker with the Hat. She returned to San Diego theatre community after several years in the San Francisco Bay Area as a talent agent. She says she’s happy to be back on stage where she belongs… and we’re happy too!

WhitneyThomasWhitney Brianna Thomas (Victoria)

What excites you most about the show?

I’m excited about the feeling of inviting people over to our home. The community that has been built is magnetic. It’s like when you know your mama makes the best cakes you’ve ever tasted and you just want to invite people over just to show how good those cakes are.

What scares you?

That the show is magnetizing. It’s ugly and filthy and honest. Honesty scares people…and scares me.

What you like about working with Cygnet Theatre?

Cygnet Theatre is a well-oiled creative machine. It sounds contradictory but it can happen. Cygnet is blessed with an exceptional Artistic Director who oversees with more patience than anyone I’ve ever seen. This process with Cygnet has been so friendly and open from day one. It’s an exceptional creative community to be a part of.

Your favorite curse word?

My true favorite can’t be printed so I’ll just use…“f**k”

Anything else?

This show is such a wonderful gift that has been given to us and I think we do a really good job at taking care of it and translating it to an audience. Come over and hang out in our hood for a little while. Come see the fucked up shit that goes down. I bet you’ll like it.