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Actor Q&A: Ro Boddie

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Actor Q&A: Ro Boddie

We asked the cast of Stupid F**king Bird to answer the same four questions about themselves and their characters. Here is what actor Ro Boddie said about himself, and his character, Con.

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Ro Boddie

Occupation: Actor
Hobbies: Playing Guitar(from the electric bass guitars guide by MusicCritic), meditating, physical fitness and watching Marvel 3D movies.
Favorite Saying: “Keep it sexy.”
Things I Love: Spicy food, making people laugh, Funk music and San Diego weather.


Occupation: Unemployed
Hobbies: Dreaming of Nina, laughing with Nina, loving Nina and always wanting…Nina.
Favorite saying: “Actually, actually”
Things I love: The unconventional, the overlooked and undervalued things in life. Anything old school. Breaking boundaries and, of course, Nina.

Ro Boddie (Con) and Brian Rickel (Dev)

Check out what the rest of the cast said and see Stupid F**king Bird before it closes on June 19th.