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Christmas Past and Present with Maggie Carney

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Christmas Past and Present with Maggie Carney

It’s the time of year when Cygnet Theatre delights you with the timeless story of A Christmas Carol. We sat down with the some of the cast to find out what Christmas means to them.  Resident actor Maggie Carney shared with us her favorite holiday memories, past and present, in San Diego and in her hometown of East Troy, Wisconsin. 

Tell us about one of your favorite childhood holiday memories… 

Maggie (left) and her sister Kate playing in the snow behind their house in Milwaukee, WI in 1966.

I loved singing in the choir at Midnight Mass at St.Peter’s Church in East Troy, Wisconsin with my sisters, Kate and Aileen. We sang every year from about ages 8 to 12 (we are all a year apart in age). We would have to take a nap in the afternoon to make it through the program, which started at 10:30 pm and went to 1:00 am.  When we got home we were allowed to pick ONE present from under the tree to open. We also got to drink hot chocolate and eat christmas cookies…at one in the morning! A good family memory, indeed.

Maggie's father tossing her in the snow
Maggie’s father tossing her in the snow

How do you celebrate the holidays here in San Diego?

My husband Joe and I sleep in on Christmas morning. When Christmas Carols are blaring, we open gifts, drink coffee and eat pain au chocolat in our pjs, while our pup Grady opens his presents. The day is all about relaxation: calling parents, sisters and brothers, watching movies, reading books received for Christmas in front of the fireplace, baking a chicken, going for a walk in the ‘hood…just sharing the day together.

What is your favorite holiday show or movie?

My favorite holiday show is A Christmas Carol (1972 TV Special) featuring Richard Williams and Chuck Jones. I remember seeing it when I was little and being so scared!


See A Christmas Carol now through December 28. Purchase tickets at