Backstage Blog

Guide to Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show at Cygnet Theatre

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Guide to Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show at Cygnet Theatre

The difference between a true Rocky fan and someone just looking for a rowdy time is the elegance of their behavior. Rules and etiquette are important in achieving absolute pleasure and a memorable Rocky experience.

Whether it’s your “first time” at The Rocky Horror Show or you’re a long-time fan that needs a refresher, you’ll need to know a few things before watching our production.

We love your enthusiasm and can’t wait to hear your callbacks, but remember—let’s keep it fun for everyone! Share the spotlight, don’t steal the show. After all, it’s more fun when we all get to play along together!

Oh Brad! Please Do:

  1. Dress in costume.
  2. Participate in call-outs.
  3. Drink responsibly.
  4. Have an amazing time!

Dammit Janet! Please Don’t:

  1. Throw anything onto the stage.
  2. Shine lights or lasers at the actors or stage area.

Great Scott! Props That Are Allowed:

We would like, if we may… to take you on a strange journey. But you can leave all your stuff at home.  Trust us when we say not much is needed to have an amazing time at The Rocky Horror Show!  So we highly discourage using props during the performance.

Certainly Not! Props That Are a Definite No-No:

  1. Flames
  2. Food items (Hot Dogs, Prunes, Toast, Rice etc.)
  3. Water Pistols
  4. Toilet Paper
  5. Noisemakers/Bells
  6. Bubbles
  7. Anything messy, noisy or disruptive

We are so excited to invite you to The Rocky Horror Show and want this to be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Just remember that if you can see the actors, they can most definitely see you. So be on your best, worst behavior!