From the talented cast and crew to Pasek & Paul’s catchy score, Dogfight gave audiences every reason to enjoy every minute of this extraordinary production. It is almost time for final bows and here is what the cast said about their Dogfight experience.

What has been your favorite part of working on Dogfight? It’s evolved throughout. Each chapter of the process has its own perks. When it comes to working on things after opening, I find it especially enjoyable to continue to explore smaller and more intricate moments that weren’t able to be addressed as deeply in the earlier parts of the rehearsals.
What will you miss the most? least? This has been such a remarkable theatre community to get to work with. I’m going to miss that big time. Rare to find such a supportive and excellent team all around. Least? Maybe putting on my black eye at intermission because I seem to forget to do it constantly. Or shaving everyday!
Do you have a favorite number? moment? Not specifically. Lots of things I look forward to.
Is there a behind the scenes ritual/superstition you’d like to share? I find it very helpful to exercise before the show. I usually jump rope for 20-30 minutes.
If you could keep one costume item, what would it be? My dog tags. One of the cast members got custom tags made for everyone playing Marines. Thought that was very special.
What’s up next for you? I have a workshop of a new musical coming up right after I get back to NYC. I’m very excited about it – it’s a stellar creative team that has been working on this project for years.

What has been your favorite part of working on Dogfight? Honestly, the incredible cast and crew. Dogfight has been an interestingly difficult journey for all of those involved, and everyone has handled the story with such a delicate hand. So much heart. I’m very thankful.
What will you miss the most? least? I will miss Sarah Marion, our dresser…but not the amount of costume changes.
Do you have a favorite number? moment? I have the absolute pleasure of sharing the title number with the powerhouse Caitie Grady. I look forward to a specific moment toward the end of the song where we finally lock eyes and our characters connect. The only full scene where the women take over. I love it!
Is there a behind the scenes ritual/superstition you’d like to share? This is a silly little thing, but Alex and I are silly people and I adore it. Before we head out to the Nite Lite, he always does a goofy offering of his arm.
If you could keep one costume item, what would it be? My teeth. They are so gross and it’s perfect. I foresee some awesome practical jokes.

What has been your favorite part of working on Dogfight? I’ve loved working with the cast and crew throughout the entire process. Everybody seems to be able to find the perfect balance of work and play to make this show an awesome experience.
What will you miss the most? least? Dogfight is a show that I’m very attached to, and being able to take part in a production of it has meant so much. Getting on stage and telling this story is what I’ll miss the most.
Do you have a favorite number? moment? My favorite number is probably “That Face.” It’s the closest we get to a big group number but it also is sort of the antithesis to a big group number because everyone in the scene has different motivations and understandings of why they are at the party. It’s a really cool paradox.
Is there a behind the scenes ritual/superstition you’d like to share? The consistent pre-show ritual in the guys dressing room has been singing along/coming up with new lyrics to the songs played as the audience finds their seats before the show.
If you could keep one costume item, what would it be? My birth control glasses.
What’s up next for you? After we close, I’m headed to NYC to fulfill a long time dream and to continue to pursue a career in the arts.

What has been your favorite part of working on Dogfight? Working with new people. Most of this cast is new to Cygnet, a great group of musical theatre actors in San Diego.
What will you miss the most? least? I will miss the people. I’ve made some great friends on this show. I won’t miss the ugly colors I have to wear! I have about four different ugly shades of green to wear.
Do you have a favorite number? moment? I could listen to Sarah and Caitie sing the title song all night. They absolutely kill it every time.
Is there a behind the scenes ritual/superstition you’d like to share? Patrick (Birdlace) and some of us pat our heads right before we go to places in act two. It’s a weird good luck gesture we share. Also, we’ve added some new dance moves to First Date/Last Night backstage.
If you could keep one costume item, what would it be? Suzette’s glasses. She’s been a lot of fun. Oh…and my green hooker dress. It’s my one flattering costume in the show and I wear it for about 7 seconds in act two.
What’s up next for you? La Cage aux Folles and White Christmas at San Diego Musical Theatre. Two shows my kids can see!
Catch Dogfight before it closes on August 23rd.